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70% of employed professionals believe that presentation skills are critical for career success.
Executives spend about 40% of their workweek engaged in public speaking activities.
82% of businesses consider public speaking as a significant skill for leadership positions.

We can help you:


What makes us different

Real world practice

Numerous public speaking and leadership training programs primarily consist of lectures, with minimal hands-on activities to assimilate the skills. Passive learning is rarely effective. At EventSymphony, we adopt a contrasting strategy. We provide you with the necessary knowledge and expertise, followed by hands-on practice – as there is no superior method of learning than through active engagement.

Our Expertise

Having accumulated around than 10 years of experience in public speaking and leadership, we have extensive knowledge in this domain. Our team of proficient speakers and leaders can provide you with the same advantageous edge that we have bestowed upon thousands of students throughout the years. Rest assured, we are fully capable of guiding you towards becoming an expert communicator, speaker, and leader, propelling you to take that next significant step in your journey.

Small class sizes

Numerous alternative training institutions present crowded class settings with nearly 100 students. In contrast, our intimate class sizes guarantee optimal learning outcomes for our students. You will gain advantages from personalized coaching with our proficient trainers. Such individualised attention and concentration are unparalleled in our competitors' offerings.

Science Based Training

Numerous training choices are available in the market concerning public speaking and leadership. However, only a handful integrate the most recent advancements in scientific research to deliver actionable training that truly revolutionises your communication, speaking, and leadership results. We are committed to your triumph, which is why our training programs are continually refined and upgraded. Your achievements in speaking and leadership are our sole and unwavering commitment.

Unlock Hearts, Inspire Minds: The Power of Storytelling!


Crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience is essential for effective communication. A well-thought-out story strategy weaves emotions, relatability, and memorable elements into your message, leaving a lasting impact on listeners.

In today's visually-oriented world, a strong visual strategy can enhance the effectiveness of your communication. Utilizing captivating visuals, graphics, and multimedia elements can elevate your message, making it more engaging, digestible, and memorable.

Incorporating a data-driven approach into your communication empowers you to make informed decisions and back up your claims with evidence. A robust data strategy ensures credibility, builds trust, and strengthens your message's persuasiveness.

Warren Buffett

If you can't communicate and talk to other people and get across your ideas, you're giving up your potential


Steve Jobs

The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.


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